What I'm Reading

Stardust by Joseph Kanon
Coming out in the fall, the next novel by the author of The Good German. It's so good I kinda want to lick the pages.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Sometimes Sucking Marginally Less Is Enough

My fantasy football team this year is dismal. I mean, SPECTACULARLY bad. I had this great roster, and it looked so promising before the season started. And then a combination of underperforming (Randy Moss) and injuries (the rest of my team) just shot my season to hell. My record going into this past weekend was an impressive 0-8.
But all that has changed. I won a game! Now yes, it’s fantasy football, not real life. And I’m still in last place. With 150 points less than the person in second-to-last place, and 450 less than the leader. But at least I won. The term “playing for pride” has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I called a few of my friends in the league, and left a little song on their voice mails. It was simple, yet had a certain je ne sais quoi.” It went “I won, I won, I won, I won, my fantasy team finally won a game.” Picture then sung incredibly off-key, to the soundtrack of my giggling.
Um, did I mention I won?

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