My college friends and I generally complain that we don't see each other enough. Then the holidays come, and you have weeks like last one, where we saw each other four times. My friend's husband asked us, "By the end of the week, are you going to have anything left to talk about?" Never underestimate the power of women's ability to chat. He's probably one of those men who also doesn't understand why we talk to each other on our cell phones while we're on our way to meet. Sheesh.
Monday night was our 8th annual "Christmas on Crack" theme party. Now to understand this, you need to know that my friends love to create traditions. Even better if it's a crazy tradition. And eight years ago, our friend Anthony planned a drinks night at Rolf's, this restaurant that had totally over-the-top Christmas decorations.
We all crammed into this teeny bar area, pissing off everyone waiting for tables, and drank ourselves silly on German beer. At one point, someone made a comment along the lines of, "Dude! This place looks like Christmas on Crack!" (Except the words were probably slurred.) And just like that, the tradition was born. A year or two later, Schnapps sent around an email with this funny PowerPoint presentation and a comment that it would be great if we made t-shirts. Since one of our friends does marketing promotions for a career, we all showed up in shirts to surprise her. And thus was born tradition #2--the annual matching shirts.
On Friday night was my friends Doug and Joe's annual party, the highlight of which was the most honest invitation I've ever seen:
It's that time of year again to cram a shit load of people into a 600 square foot apartment. Free food and drinks will be served to those individuals willing to go nip-to-nip with their fellow man and woman! We'll start the festivities off at 7:00 so feel free to swing by for 10 minutes on your way home from work, or stay the whole night!
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
In contrast to my "early garage style" decorating mode, their apartment is what I like to refer to as "Gay Pottery Barn."

Saturday night was Christmas dinner with the friends in my supper club. We do a Secret Santa at this party, and I don't want to imply that we're getting older or anything, but Ronnie got a food processor and was absolutely thrilled.

Then Sunday, the grand finale of our Christmas weekend, was my annual Christmas party. (Well, sort of annual. I had to skip the last 2 years due to the black "paying off my credit card debt" period we don't like to talk about.) I cooked for two days in an effort to make everything perfect, and Louise declared me the "hostess with the mostest" so I guess I pulled it off. Phew.

I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be complaining again that I don't see them often enough. But for right now, I've had all the togetherness my liver can handle.

p.s. My nativity set has absolutely nothing to do with this story, but Comet took a picture of it, and I really love it, and it was a gift from my sisters. So I'm going to show it off a little.

p.p.s. She also took a picture of the infamous tree.

Yay! I missed the annual holiday open house. so glad it's back!
Looks like you've been having a good time. The tree looks fabulous. I love the pic of you talking to Comet's belly.
Ummm, that's not a *insert your last name here* tree. I seem to recall your trees always had the BIG bulb multi colored lights.
Shouldn't you be honoring tradition? ;)
Ummm, that's not a *insert your last name here* tree. I seem to recall your trees always had the BIG bulb multi colored lights.
Shouldn't you be honoring tradition? ;)
Oh, Bookgirl. I wish I lived int he big bad city with you and got to hang out with your cool friends. I'm so jealous.....
Laura, I missed it too.
Di, I talk to the belly every time I see her. I say hello and goodbye, chat a little with it during the party. I figure it's never too early to be the cool aunt.
J, It turns out those lights were a HUGE fire hazard. But I still admit that I fought my parents tooth and nail when they got rid of them. My aesthetic has changed over the years, though. I have white lights, but I also no longer wear a shirt and matching tights, nor do I cut my own bangs.
Liz, I wish you lived here too. Oh, the fun we'd have...
Aw, so fun! I'm sorry I missed Sunday, but am glad you had a fab time!
Of course they were, but wasn't that half the fun? ;)
We did white lights for a bit, but now we do a mix of white and colored for the crew.
Though I did have a laugh about the bangs thing, miss thing cut a huge chunk out of hers a couple of weeks back. I almost died. She has all that gorgeous hair and now its mismatched on one side...fortunately, this was all post xmas card pics (your card mailed yesterday, btw).
that was a week to remember!
You look like you were having lots of fun and the parties look hilarious and wonderful!
(Have you read the Amy Sedaris entertaining book? If not, you'd love it.)
I love the photos! You're so cute!
(But no shoe shots!)
Lori, the Queen Monkey Wrapper
(when I worked in a store, men would ask me to wrap their presents because then their wives might believe that THEY did it, that's how bad I was.)
i just want to let you know that i am the one that coined the phrase COC. merry christmas.oxox
Mary! I had no idea that was you! And why have you not been to the most recent celebration of the tradition whose name you coined?
Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can say that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be in the light of other options.
to the article there is even now a suspect as you did in the downgrade publication of this beg audio video soft (aio) ?
I noticed the phrase you have not used. Or you use the dark methods of development of the resource. I take a week and do necheg
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