Yes, kids. I know I've been a bad, bad blogger. I've been yelled at. But I can't go online at home, and I've been either working late every night or leaving here to be somewhere else at a specific time, neither of which puts me at my computer after hours with some free time. But there's a great big yellow light at the end of the tunnel, and this is what it looks like.
I bought myself a laptop. A shiny, new, bright-yellow-to-lend-itself-to-creativy laptop. One that has wireless internet that actually works, unlike my old laptop which got a virus because a friend used it to download gay porn (seriously) and then I kept forgetting to have it fixed until my warranty ran out. I'm not making any promises, but there might even be some shirt fiction coming your way. That's how excited I am about this computer.
But while I haven't been blogging, I've learned some valuable lessons:
1) At a home with toddlers, always lock the door when you're in the bathroom. I slept at my friend Kerri's last weekend, and my 3-year-old niece came barreling in when I was in the shower because she had to go potty. Which is fine. I grew up in a house with five girls and one bathroom. I'm used to sharing. But she then proceeded to watch my entire shower, asking questions. "Whatcha doin' Auntie Bookgirl?" "What's that?" "Why did you do that?" "Is that your soap?" "Did you bring it from home?" "Why are you putting lotion on your legs?" "Are those your undies?" "Why is that towel on your head?" It's shocking that she doesn't ever pass out from lack of oxygen.
2) When your team loses in the Super Bowl against the team that plays where you live, you learn who your friends are. Most people were sympathetic. Tons of people asked me how I was doing. Even the friend who really hates my team and whose trash talk tends to get mean managed to limit her comments to one "Holy crap!" text message. But there was one guy, just one, my friend's husband, who sent taunting emails. And he will forever more have a black mark next to his name as far as I'm concerned. For the record, though, no. Believe it or not, I wasn't that upset. As much as I love football, it's a game. And not even a game I was playing in. Plus, I'm a firm believer in the five-year rule. After your team wins the Big Game, you're not allowed to bitch about anything they do for five years. Get caught cheating? Oh well. Lose in the Super Bowl after an undefeated season? Meh. No complaining allowed.
3) The Secret might actually work. After circling my neighborhood for 40 minutes at 2 in the morning with no parking spots anywhere, I started to get desperate and began repeating "Parking spots come easily and often." Swear to God, I found one within 60 seconds, two blocks from my apartment. I've decided to start keeping a gratitude journal. I'll keep you posted on how that works out for me.
4) Keeping secrets is no fun. Someone very close to me has news. Big, big news. News she's not willing to share with the world at large until she's had it for, say, 12 weeks. And I've kept from blogging about it. But it's KILLING me. Killing me, people. (By the way, if you're reading this and thinking, "But Bookgirl told me this news already" that's because you don't know her, there was no way of it getting back to her, and you couldn't possibly ask her about it if something goes wrong. Therefore you're safe.)
5) I now understand why it's so easy to become addicted to prescription drugs. It's because I wasn't taking the right kind. I had this horrible back pain yesterday that I described as "feeling like all the muscles and nerves in my lower back were in a vise and shooting pain down through my hips and legs." Good times, I tell you. And I remembered that somewhere in my medicine chest (and by chest I mean gallon-size Ziploc bag) I had muscle relaxers left from a previous back pain. I took one, and then either fell asleep or lost conciousness (I'm not really sure which) at 7 pm and except for a brief stumble from the couch to bed slept through the night. The bad news is that was my last pill. The good news is that was my last pill.
Monday, February 11, 2008
3:11 PM
Labels: It's All About Me
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The Secret works, Bookgirl. Now's the time to use it for something bigger than a parking space.
Gosh, what a lovely, lovely laptop! It's so cheerful! I'm excited for you.
(My friend's son got angry because I was using HIS shower and threw Power Rangers at the door when I visited. I think I was the luckier one of the two of us. *smile*)
I did think of you during the Super Bowl (you and another blogging friend).
A new laptop, how exciting! I'm a Dell fan myself. Can't wait to find out who's pregnant! Anyone I know?
I want a colorful laptop, mine's black-blah!
So glad you're back and promise to keep the secret ;) But only provided you reply to my last email . . .
ps. I currently have 5 kids ages 3-6 in my house, lets not even go into how much oxygen they waste ;)
I almost got the exact same laptop but it was back-to-school time and they were out of the good colors. I had to stick to basic black. Glad we'll be hearing from you more often on your new toy!
It was so good to have you over last weekend and are a trooper for putting up with my little ones =). The two bigger ones are still talking about your visit. Consider it a compliment that Miss Alexa spent such bonding time in the bathroom with you. She reserves that for only the very special people in her life!
Love the new lap-top! So cool and so you! Can't wait for the fiction works.
Love ya!
so did you have it shipped via turtle from china?
I emailed you, need logistics advice.
grr.. All this talk of a laptop and blogging ideas....and still
only one for the week.
agreed. and she's not even answering emails. hrmph. work trumping friends? seems wrong to me.
I have a secret to tell you, ladies. Your normal, collected, together Bookgirl? She has run off to join the circus and left me alone with this crying, stressed-out, overreacting, dry-heaving in the shower, all I want to do is sleep shell of my former self. I'm taking this new Bookgirl (if I can stand being alone with her in a car for four hours) back to Woonsocket to see my mommy and have a joint birthday party for me and my godson and get some baby love. That ought to bring old Bookgirl back out of hiding--she can't stand to miss a good time. Once THAT Bookgirl returns, she will recommence blogging.
Stressed and miserable, oh I can relate! Have a fun and relaxing weekend. I'd say let's go have a drink, but on my own with LT most of the weekend. Blacksone and Trouble have a Boy Scout sleep over.
isn't today the day old bookgirl was due back?
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