What I'm Reading

Stardust by Joseph Kanon
Coming out in the fall, the next novel by the author of The Good German. It's so good I kinda want to lick the pages.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Shoe Slut

Behold today's shoes. They're another vacation purchase. I picked them up in Florida when we did a girls' trip to my friend's house on Marco Island for her birthday one year. (I'd tell you which birthday, but it dates me.)

I love them. But they rub in the exact same spot as yesterday's shoes, leaving me in so much pain that I was reduced, when no one was looking, to hobbling along like I was crippled. On my floor, I just kicked them off and walked around barefoot. But when I had to travel for meetings, I was screwed. While yes, I do have seventeen other pairs under my desk, none of them matched. And well, you know how I feel about matching. In the interest of full disclosure, there actually was one pair that matched perfectly, but they were the square-toed loafer variety that is only acceptable under pants. With a dress they make me look Amish. Also, they make my calves look fat. My lower legs are the only thin body part I possess. I try not to mess with that.

I have a launch party tonight for the new Gawker book. Which left me with a difficult decision. Either skip the party, go with the thick-calved Amish look, or run out and buy a new pair to wear. The choice was clear. An excuse to go shoe-shopping!! Yes!!The new pair are fabulous. I'd show them to you, but then I'd lose a quickie blog topic for another day. And why make more work for myself?

But wait! There's more! While I was in the store, I got to do a good deed. I was trying on this lovely pair of patterned pumps when the woman next to me started squealing over them. We were the same size, so I let her try them on while her salesperson was busy. Then came the news. They were the last pair in our size. She gave them back, albeit reluctantly, because by all rules of shopping etiquette they were mine. And I let her buy them. Yes, I did a shoe mitzvah. My mom would be so proud, if she knew what a mitzvah was.

p.s. They were on sale, too. That has to earn me extra good person points, right??


Polly Poppins said...

You get lots of points. Have you considered getting moleskin to stick in your shoes? It helps.

The Dol said...

Shoe mitzvah! Mazel tov!

Oh, that reminds me. Have you read The Chosen, by Chaim Potok? I'm sure you have. Anyhow, I am reading it for the first time right now and I love it. I wish I had a little Jewish read-out-loud device so that I would know how to pronounce some of the Yiddish/Hebrew stuff in there.

(Sorry for the OT, but you are the Bookgirl, right?)

Bookgirl said...

I haven't read it, but it just got added to the list. And if there are recurring words that bug you, let me know. I'll have one of my people call you with the pronunciation.

Bookgirl said...

I haven't read it, but it just got added to the list. And if there are any words that are particularly bothering you, let me know. I'll have one of my people call you with the pronunciation.

Lori G. said...

I love it: shoe mitzvah.

I find any excuse to get another pair of shoes is always a very, very valid one. I love those shoes, btw, and I agree: try some moleskin. It can't hurt.

(I'm the victim of shoes that pretend to be comfortable in the store but as soon as I get home, they turn vicious and hurt. You know, shoes with a Sybil complex.)

Working Mom said...

Your shoe slut postings are tempting me to spend some money. Last weekend I had to talk myself away from a pair of fantastic shoes (black and white tweed with hints of pink) b/c I knew I had nothing to wear them with and I was supposed to be purchasing brown shoes for work. Yet the whole time I am thinking, "if Bookgirl was here she would tell me to go for it." My husband is thankful, then, that you weren't.

Diosa said...

You're slacking again. I don't mean to be a nag, but just in case you thought is slipped by unnoticed.

Laura G said...

Shoe Mitzvah...I love it!!!!

Laura G said...

Shoe Mitzvah...I love it! I must remember that one. And any pronunciation questions can definitely go to me!

Bookgirl said...

Yay Laura! I love when readers de-lurk!

Bookgirl said...

Yes, working mom, I would have told you to buy them. I'm an enabler.

Anonymous said...

How about enabling yourself to update?

Bookgirl said...

It worked my anonymous friend. You shamed me into posting.