I know we all get bogged down sometimes in what we don't like about our jobs, but I love the little reminders of what's great about mine.
Overheard this morning
A woman having a conversation with her (very high-ranking) boss:
Boss: Just how drunk were you last night?
Girl: My eyeballs hurt.
Overheard at the copy machine:
Motherfucker!!!!! (Screamed at the top of someone's lungs)
Is this normal behavior at other people's offices?
When bad spellcheck happens to good people:
I was reading a manuscript this week for an erotica collection. (Yes, I work on smut) and throughout one whole story, a certain piece of female anatomy was referred to as the colitis. In that same story, the heroine also had a virginia. That's not going to stop being funny for me any time this decade.
Not work-related, but still funny:
I was talking to my sister this morning, telling her that I'm going to a Mensa event on Sunday. There's a social group for us twenty- and thirty-somethings, and we're going to the movies.
Den: Will there be a discussion after, or just the film?
Me: We're going to dinner after, but it's not like we're seeing Apocalypse Now. It's Leatherheads.
Insert her laughing to the point where she can't speak.
Everyone really does think we sit around at Mensa events and talk about Quantum Physics or Philosophy, don't they? Sigh...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Why I Love My Job
2:31 PM
Labels: It's All About Me
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Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Toner, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://toner-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
At my office we had an experiment; which blows up in the microwave first, the bunny peep or the chick peep? I'd say I work in a frat house, but it's all women. And if we didn't have young children in and out, we would probably be screaming swear words at the top of our lungs as well.
Actually not much swearing in my office, at least not more than would seem unusual to me, seeing I'm the one usually doing it. We're real good at killing plants and barely keeping the fish alive.
Okay, had I been taking a sip of my water when I read that it would have been all over my monitor. As it is I cackled over the "colitis" remark. A friend came to visit from two rows of cubes over to see what was so funny.
Actually she said; "you're laughing and you're smiling. It's good to see you smiling. What's so funny?" I haven't been happy at work lately. Thanks for making me chuckle!
Okay now that I've commented on the actual post I can re-comment. I've been trying to change my display name so it shows up as Midge since that's what you call me. I've been trying forever. But not being a MENSA candidate i coudln't do it. I think I FINALLY got it this time. This was a test. Yay it worked!
You are the best. I hope that colitis thing clears up. There are support groups you can attend, you know.
Colitis. Hot.
So glad you're having giggles at work!
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