I live for summer. If you read my winter entries, they're whiney, and sad, and lethargic. But as soon as the weather starts getting warm, I come alive. Put me out in the sun and I'm happy as a clam. And even better than summer? Summer weekends. I spent this entire weekend, margarita in hand, either in or next to Sarah’s pool. My favorite quote of the weekend:
Me: Is it noon yet?
Sarah: Somewhere. Go get the blender.
Sarah has six kids (the oldest of whom inherited her perfect comedic timing), and I brought along my godson, so it was a full house. Sarah’s kids seem to think I was put on this earth to do exactly what they want me to do. As my mother put it best, “Yeah, because you’ve given them so much reason to think otherwise…” So basically I am the human jungle gym at their house. At one point I had three of them hanging off me and I said, “Dude… too many kids.” So the littlest boy would grab onto two of the other kids, have all of them hold on to me, and yell, “Too many kids!” I’m thinking of having that stitched onto a pillow for Sarah since it so perfectly encapsulates her life…
Sarah lives in the country, as do two of my sisters, so while I love my nephews dearly, they’re hicks. Dirtbike-riding, John Deere-loving hicks. Sarah’s seven-year-old told me “Mommy won’t go into Wal-Mart (she shares my loathing for their ideology and prefers not to have her hard-earned Benjamins going to the religious right) but Daddy will take me. Maybe I can go without my shirt on. Wouldn’t that be cool?” he he he. Aim high, baby. Aim high.
I swore I wasn’t going to blog about it, but I’m back on Weight Watchers. Again. (I lost 3.2 pounds this week! Woo hoo!) My weekend diet strategy was best summed up as “drink your points.” Something has to go, right? And it sure as hell wasn’t going to be the juice. While a pitcher of margaritas and a salad is no one’s idea of a balanced meal, it got the job done. My mother, however, doesn’t share my theory on such things.
Mom: You know, if you want to bring those little packets of sugar-free lemonade to the party tonight, no one would ever know. It looks just like a cocktail
Me (genuinely confused): Why would I want to do that?
Mom: In case you don’t want to drink
Me: No, I definitely want to drink.
I’m attaching my favorite pictures from the weekend. I only have pictures of three of the kids. Yeah, I know. I suck.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Girls of Summer
10:13 AM
Labels: My Peoples, Weight Loss
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I'm with you on the drinking. The only way dieting is palatable is with some alcohol.
I'm so jealous. I want to walk down Diagon Alley.
It's all abour priorities. And mine are firmly in place.
Bookgirl - Thanks for posting pictures. I LOVE pictures. Those are cute kids, too.
P.S. Your friend that has 6 (SIX?) kids - yeah, she's insane, Bookgirl. I-N-S-A-N-E!! You did say six, right? No, you must be lying for dramatic effect. No one has SIX kids, no one.
P.S.S. I also LOVE your signature on Poppins Book Reviews page. I'm feeling competitive about it,too, so watch out lady! I MUST get better signature than Bookgirl's, I must get better signature than Bookgirls, I must ge......
(No, I really don't have anything better to do.)
Liz, thanks! They are pretty cute, aren't they?? And yes, 32 years old, 6 kids. Even she thinks it's kind of crazy.
Actually, the signature was something Polly made as a temporary one because it made her crazy that I didn't have one (not that she's anal). Diosa is working on a real one for me. If you ask her nicely, she might do one for you too.
Liz-although it might seem I-N-S-A-N-E to you,I wouldn't have it any other way. Good times are had at Our House.
Bookgirl - Diosa can't make you a real signature, you already have a saaaaweeeeet one. Oh, the dissapointment!
Sarah - Don't be offended, I'm only amazed at what kind of super woman you are. If I thought I could make it out alive, I'd have ten kids. I'm just jealous, Sarah, just jealous at your ability to be a mother of six, that's all.
Liz- Thank Goodness because I almost cried. Its all in how you read things, SILLY....
Liz, Bookgirl's signature should be reflective of her, and that one just doesn't say Bookgirl to me (and it doesn't seem to for her either). However, if you'd like a signature like that one I might be willing to help you out.
Oh, Sarah. I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that:
1) I'm a complete stranger so you don't realize that my sarcasm is all in good fun (which it always is)
2) What I think is sarcastic, may not be so funny to you. But I really didn't mean you were insane, I was just being silly.
Seriously, your kids are adorable (I'm assuming those are pictures of them) and I can't imagine the amount of work you do and I really am just jealous. I can barely handle my dog, let alone my children. I think your amazing for having 6.
And Diosa - I'm excited to see what you come up with for Bookgirls new signature.
And I agree - if Bookgirl doesn't think it's right for her - she should have another one.
Liz- I really am over it. I get super sensitive when people judge about my family.(everytime we're out)Its easy to lash back in the written word. Really don't change who YOU are. Bookgirl has got me hooked on your blog. Totally Funny.
I added the new signature to my most recent post. I'm so excited!!!
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