I swore I wasn’t going to blog about Weight Watchers, in case I lose my motivation. Then I’ve put it out there, and everyone knows I’m trying, and I’m still fat.
But as is the case with any major life change, I’m completely obsessed and can’t keep myself from thinking, talking, and now writing about it. Constantly. If you’ve never struggled with your weight and totally don’t get where I’m coming from, please, for the love of God, don’t tell me. I was a chubby kid who grew up into a chubby adolescent, teenager, and adult. Then about five years ago I went through a really unfortunate time emotionally, which coincided exactly with my dad being diagnosed with cancer. It was like a perfect storm of bad. I ate. And ate. And ate. And ate. Until I woke up one morning, 50 pounds heavier, trying to figure out who that girl in the mirror was.
So while I’ve been on and off Weight Watchers since I was 11, this is the time. I think. No, really. This is it. It feels different this time. I’m in that focused zone, the “you’d damn well better believe I’m going to make this work” zone. And it feels great.
Well, mostly it feels great. Not so much when I’m getting up to pee for the THIRTIETH time today, because I’ve now drunk something like 80 ounces of water so far. Or that moment when I suddenly realize my body was not meant to consume half a head of cauliflower, a large salad, 2 cups of cherries, and some broccoli on the same day. That moment, not so great.
On vacation last week, I actually packed healthy snacks to take to the beach. And ate everything, all weekend, out of the same measuring cup, so I could control my portions. (I’ll probably feel less good if I get food poisoning from the measuring cup, but that’s another story. I’m guessing clam chowder and milk aren’t supposed to mix). I’ve been looking up menus online before I go out with my friends to plan out what I’m eating and figure out the points ahead of time, and exercising more than I have for months. (Sorry New York Sports Club, I’m no longer pure profit.) I mean, I’m FOCUSED. And determined to stay that way, which is what I need you guys for. Who wants to be my cheerleader??
p.s. 5 pounds down after 2 weeks. Woo hoo!!
p.p.s. The amount Weight Watchers wants me to lose to get down to their idea of my ideal weight is actually more than Sarah weighs. I suggested that I just dump HER, and then I’d have lost all the weight with a lot less work, but she reminded me that then I’d just be fat AND unhappy. She might have a point…
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Working the W's
5:40 PM
Labels: Weight Loss
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Ra Ra Sis Boom Ba! That's how it goes right? I was never a cheerleader. I promise not to tempt you with junk food when I see you. I don't need any either. You are able to drink coffee now, right? Cause a diet w/out coffee, oh that sounds painful.
Oh, and Sarah's a pretty thin woman.
Bookgirl - Here goes nothin'
Ra ra ree, kick em in the knee, ra ra rass, kick em in the ass! Gooooooooo Booooookgirl!
I always wanted to be a cheerleader, but somewhere down deep I think they knew I was just too good at it and would make the other girls look bad, so they HAD to cut me in the first round of try outs.
By the way, Bookgirl, I love Weight Watchers. The points, the counting, the results! 5 lbs is awesome. And cheerleaders, friends to keep you accountable is the best ever method of motivation, I think. Do you cook at home a lot? Because boy oh boy do I have Weight Watchers cookbooks!
God, I love you guys. I have the best cheerleaders EVER.
And Liz, while I'm not a gourmet chef like "some people." I do love to cook. I collect Weight Watchers recipes almost compulsively.
B: beautiful!
O: outrageous!
O: oooh, la, la!
K: kontagious!
G: glamorous!
I: ingenious!
R: rowdy!
L: luscious!
Go, Bookgirl! go--oo, Bookgirl!
I found mysels singing the "Ra ra ree, kick 'em in the knee" cheer in the shower the other day. Liz, does it make you uncomfortable that I was thinking of you while I was naked?
Bookgirl, absolutely not. If you ask me out on a date, I'm probably going to say yes. Just putting that out there...
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