What I'm Reading

Stardust by Joseph Kanon
Coming out in the fall, the next novel by the author of The Good German. It's so good I kinda want to lick the pages.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Introducing Milestone Monday

No real post today, as it's my first day back from vacation and I'm still trying to get back into the habit of coherent thought. But as Monday is my Weight Watchers weigh-in day, I'd like to introduce a new feature -- Milestone Monday! I passed the 10-pound mark today. I'm down 11.4 pounds. Woo hoo!

And this was taken pre-weight loss, but it's a cute picture of me and Sarah from girls' weekend, so I thought I'd share. Call it my before picture. I look huge next to her, but I've accepted it as part and parcel of having a best friend the size of a sixth-grader....


Anonymous said...

Bookgirl! Welcome back! Your soooo tan!

11 lbs is AWE-SOME. I'm going to write a new cheer for you......and maybe a dance, too!

Diosa said...

That's awesome, good for you! I just saw a rather unflattering picture of me in a bikini taken last weekend. Apparently eating junk and not exercising for the last month while I've been in moving and construction hell has not been benefitial to my waist line. Of course I can't even find the scale so I don't know the damage. Perhaps that's a good thing. I hope it stays lost for another week or two while I start starving myself.

Bookgirl said...

Liz, I love your cheers!!! Yay!!

Di, I'm a big believer in cutting yourself some slack when you're in a stressful situation. I say wait until things are a little calmer before you start the strict diet. Your husband and children will thank you, believe me.