You all know about my quests for the unattainable object. But this one's dangerous. I can't do it on my own. I'm asking for help.
The Burger King kids' meals right now come with the coolest toy ever--teeny little NFL jerseys on suction cups. I hadn't been to Burger King in ages, since it's not exactly compatible with Weight Watchers, but we stopped for lunch on the way to New Hampshire. The kids' meals each came with a teeny jersey, and I was hooked. We got a couple of totally random teams, and one Miami jersey that I personally think should be burned. Ella and Jacques, of course, couldn't care less what colors the jerseys were. They were thrilled. But I found myself thinking "Wouldn't a little Pats jersey look adorable stuck to the back window of my new car? My car's red. It'll even match!" And well, I'm a little obsessed when it comes to things matching. Now I had the idea in my head. And we all know that for Bookgirl, that way lies madness.
So last Tuesday I went to the BK in Rockefeller Center at lunch, and convinced the girl behind the counter to rummage through the box looking for a Pats jersey. They didn't have one. At that point I obviously couldn't leave without ordering something, so I bought my favorite chicken sandwich. How bad can that be, right? 16 points. That's how bad it can be.
Then Saturday I decided to try again at the Burger King in my neighborhood. This time the cashier smirked at me and said "Cheaters" before he looked. Still no jersey. And a cheeseburger and small fries is 13 points, as it turns out.
Now the calories aren't the only reason why this is a bad idea. I've always believed that putting things on your car to make it a target is just stupid, particularly when you park on the street like I do. Every time I see a bumper sticker identifying the driver as gay, I applaud the pride and then wonder, "Aren't you just inviting some drunken asshole to slash your tires on his way home, just because he can?" And given the current situation it's not a great time to be a Pats fan anywhere, but particularly in New York. But that's tomorrow's post.
The point is that I want, no, NEED this jersey. And that's where you come in, my friends. Some of you have kids. Wouldn't your kids really LOVE Burger King for lunch? Or dinner? Or whatever? And wouldn't they love to request the Patriots jersey with their meal, so they can send it to Auntie Bookgirl? Who will, of course, reimburse mommy and daddy for the cost of the meal, shipping, gas to get to BK, whatever. I'm desperate here. My ass is big enough already, and stalking Burger King isn't helping. Besides, they're kids. They're little. They can burn calories faster than I can. Come on. Help a sister out.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It
9:00 AM
Labels: Sports, Weight Loss
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I'll call my local one today. If they have it we'll go for lunch and send it out this afternoon.
Maybe. That's all I'm sayin: maybe.
Would you believe I don't think my kids have ever been to Burger King? They love McDonald's, not that they go terribly often. I'll see what I can do. Of course I don't know how I'd get them to give up their toy.
God God The Quest Is ON.......
oops is was to read Good God.
Okay, so my kid has never been to Burger King either. We choose Wendy's for the frosty, but unlike Diosa, we go what can only be classified as "quite often."
But today, we went to Burger King and found out that there are four unopened boxes of jerseys that cannot be opened until the current box, which has no Patriots jersey, is empty. Unless someone else gets it first, I will be taking Secret Lulu to Burger King again soon.
Our nanny brought LT to McD's for his 2nd birthday. She said he seemed confused, like he'd never been there before. He hadn't. Not that we're health nuts or anything but we weren't in any hurry to have 2 kids addicted to happy meals. Now they beg to go. It's a good bribery tool, especially when running errands all afternoon.
I have the best friends. Ever. Seriously.
Holy crap, Bookgirl, I love a challenge!
And my little Cole loves BK. However, Mr. Liz wont go, he says the guy in the commercials is too scary and he never, never wants to run into him/ it accidentally....
Mr. Liz is right. That thing gives me nightmares.
And the fact that so many of you have tried for me, and have struck out, has only heightened the appeal for me of the jersey. It's getting ridiculous.
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